Thursday, October 18, 2012

A bit of a rant...

I have decided to compile a list of things that are rather annoying to me...

1. Keep Calm Memes. Seriously, they have a Keep Calm meme for everything. I agree that keeping calm is a good way to be, but people have been taking it to new extremes. Keep Calm and...
2. When people have asked, about my children, "who does he look like?" or have stated "right now he looks more like you." Yes, they're my children. They are going to look like me/my husband/possibly each other. Or maybe they just look like themselves! I understand this is a common conversation starter, and I really don't mind talking with people about it once in a while, but if that's the first thing you talk about every time I see you, I'm going to nod my head, smile, and wait to move on to a different conversation topic.
3. Whining- this is never NOT annoying.
4. Political rants on facebook. I understand you have views on things. You are welcome to express your views on facebook as often as you like. However, if I liked your posting and an argument happens to ensue on your posting regarding which candidate should be voted for, I'm un-liking it. Arguing with someone is not going to change their beliefs on who they should vote for, or what side of the bread should be buttered (see The Butter Battle book).
5. People who try to tell you how you should/shouldn't breastfeed that do not breastfeed, and people that tell you how you should/shouldn't formula feed that do not formula feed. I also rather dislike misconceptions about each sort of feeding. If your child is meant to be intelligent, regardless of what you feed them as infants, they are going to be intelligent. If your child is going to be healthy, regardless of what you feed them as infants, they are going to be healthy. Yes, I am a firm believer in breastfeeding, but I think some anti-formula people just go a little bit too far. I was formula fed, and I am JUST FINE.
6. Here's a big one. I hate when people judge each other for the sort of Christian church they go to. People have all sorts of different opinions/views on things. I agree with some and disagree with some. However, I believe if you believe in what I'd call the basics- (those things that happen to be listed in the nicene creed [whether or not you would regularly recite creeds] -Read about the Nicene Creed Here), and you're doing your best to follow God, that is what is most important. Instead of debating and arguing, we should join together in serving others, and take care of widows and orphans in their time of need ( James 1:27 ). I've been going to a church for about a year now that is different in a lot of ways from the church I grew up in. I have nothing against the church I grew up in, I just feel I should be going to this one for many different reasons. And the important thing is, they both believe in the things listed in the creed; basic Christian unarguable beliefs. If you want to talk to me about this, message or e-mail me.
7. Going to the dentist. This is just my opinion, but I really dislike going and getting my mouth prodded and poked around in. I don't like the scraping of my teeth/sensitive spots in my teeth/gums with those little metal sticks they use. I like dentists and dental hygienists just fine, but I do NOT like going to the dentist.
8. When people think they're better than others because they think their sins are more acceptable than that of others.

Note: I do not mean to push anyone's buttons. Like I said in my first post, I'm trying to just make this blog a "window" into my world (thoughts, opinions, etc.).

1 comment:

  1. I am with you on so many of those rants! Especially the political rants on facebook (Though I will admit I'm guilty of posting some political stuff), and people judging each other for what church they go to (or don't go to). I don't think anybody enjoys going to the dentist, lol. But I've got to admit, I'm guilty of whining on occasion, especially when I don't feel good.
