Monday, October 8, 2012


It's cooler out. Every time summer seems to finally be coming to a close, when I breathe in that first breath of fresher-smelling air, I feel like being outside most of the time. Lately I've started to wonder if seasonal-effective disorder can include feeling more depressed in the summer, and feeling happy and normal for every other season. Or maybe this past summer was harder than most. I guess that makes sense, having had a new baby and a toddler at the same time, going through a move, and feeling stressed about how family and friends might react to our recent church decision(another topic completely). Also, being a stay-at-home mom is HARD (although I LOVE my job.) And for a while there it seemed there was just one difficulty after another. Such is life, I gather.

My two babies are 15 months apart. Everywhere we go, people say, "You must have your hands full!." Which we do. But I still want to have more. Not right now, and not too far in the future. Not five years from now, but maybe 2 or so.

I've been trying to cook more lately. Fast food may be easy, and cheap, but it's really not healthy (obviously). I've been making good use of my crock pot. Somehow it feels easier to cook when I don't have to preheat an oven, or bend to put something in. That sounds really lazy, doesn't it? I made really good pork in the crock pot the other day, and today I made bbq chicken. I'm going to try to do some sort of chicken every monday. It's park of the "flexible weekly schedule" I typed up for myself the other day.

I believe baby #2 is beginning to teethe. Poor thing. I hate teething. It really ruins babyhood, doesn't it? Just when they're getting more aware of their surroundings, there it comes. But it'll all be worth it when they're chewing on steak in a few years. So now we have two teething babies in our house. I feel like teething doesn't stop until they have all their baby teeth. I think most people define teething as a tooth being in the active process of actually coming in.

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